My Wonderful Life

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5 Things To Know About Green Burials

You don't have to be a life long eco-warrior to consider a green burial. With more and more options out there, people are taking "from dust to dust" seriously. This is one trend that looks like it's here to stay.

1. Green Basics
We've got a whole article about this, but the basics are all about being basic: skip the embalming, the traditional casket, and the headstone--anything that isn't biodegradable.

2. But Isn't Cremation a "green" option?
Yes. Cremation is the old school green option, but might not be everyone's cup of tea. Especially after you read the next bullet point.

3. Green Memorials
Since most green burials don't involve a headstone, how do you mark a final resting place? With green burials, the options are nearly endless and all eco-friendly. How about being planted with a tree? Or as a part of your favorite underwater reef? Can't do that in a casket. We've got a Pinterest board for all sorts of great green burial ideas.

4. Green Clothes
Just because you're skipping the traditional garments and casket doesn't mean you have to leave fashion behind.

5. Green Funeral Homes
Yes, they do exist. And here's a map to help you find one in your area.